Facelift surgery

A facelift (also known as rhytidectomy or facial rejuvenation surgery) is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting aging changes in the face and/or neck. Facelift surgery elevates sagging facial features. During the surgery, the skin can be lifted, or it can be targeted at both the skin and subcutaneous tissues. As features are lifted, the contours of the face become clearer. Cheeks are raised, and the sagging of the jawline is corrected.

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Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
6990 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
7990 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
8490 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
9990 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
7990 €

Available at: Helsinki

Procedure under general anesthesia
The price of the lift surgery + 1200 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24%
3500 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
17 990 €
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  • The prices apply to procedures performed by plastic surgeon Riikka Veltheim.

Procedure under general anesthesia
+1000 €

Available at: Helsinki

Only skin, incl. VAT 24 %
7990 €
Skin and platysmaplasty, incl. VAT 24 %
8990 €

Available at: Helsinki

Under local anesthesia
6490 €
Under general anesthesia
+1000 €

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a facelift, or facial rejuvenation surgery?

A facelift (also known as rhytidectomy or facial rejuvenation surgery) is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting aging changes in the face and/or neck.

The surgery can target one or more of the following areas:

  • Midface, cheeks
  • Lower face and jawline
  • Neck

Facelift and other facial surgeries

Traditional facelift surgeries are usually distinguished from procedures focusing on the upper face, such as forehead and eyebrow lift surgeries. Eyelid surgery is also almost always considered separately when discussing facelift surgeries. However, it’s common to combine upper and lower eyelid surgeries, neck lift surgery, forehead lift, or eyebrow lift surgery with a facelift.

Facial fat transfers are also a separate technique. Very often, fat transfer and facelift surgeries are combined. In such cases, the facelift lifts sagging tissues while the fat transfer improves skin quality, smoothens wrinkles, and enhances features. Skin quality and appearance can also be improved with various types of laser resurfacing.


What does a facelift do and what does it not do?

A facelift, or facial rejuvenation surgery, does not halt future aging processes. It also does not affect the quality or structure of the skin. Instead, as the name suggests, the lift surgery elevates sagging facial features. During the surgery, the skin can be lifted, or it can be targeted at both the skin and subcutaneous tissues. As features are lifted, the contours of the face become clearer. Cheeks are raised, and the sagging of the jawline is corrected.

On average, a facelift can turn back the clock by about ten years. According to the latest research, a facelift can make a person appear around 12 years younger. (The study involved 122 facelift patients with an average age of 57 years.)



Is anesthesia always used?

Facelift surgery is very often performed under general anesthesia, meaning the patient is asleep. In some cases, the surgery can also be done under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. Of course, the patient does not need to choose the type of anesthesia themselves. The differences between various anesthesia methods are discussed during the consultation.


Will there be scars?

When the surface of the skin is pierced, some degree of scar will always form. The scar can be visible or invisible. In facelift surgery, the incisions are made in inconspicuous locations. After the recovery phase, outsiders will not detect any scars or other signs of the surgery.


What is life like after the surgery?

After a facelift surgery, the patient will need assistance for a couple of days. It is advisable to arrange for transportation home well in advance before the day of surgery.

The first night after the surgery may be slightly uncomfortable because of pain in the surgical area, and the patient will need to keep their head elevated with pillows. There will be swelling and bruising on the face. Additionally, mood swings may occur during the first few days.

When assessing pain on a scale of 1–10, facelift patients typically rate their pain as 5 on average. Some degree of pain is experienced by surgical patients for an average of 10 days.

It’s recommended to start moving around as soon as possible. Gentle walks promote healing, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks. Patients can usually return to work and other daily activities about two weeks after the surgery. Generally, surgical patients feel “presentation-ready” one month after the surgery. A complete return to the hustle and bustle of normal life typically begins for surgical patients about 2.5 months after the surgery date.

According to an American study, almost all facelift patients are extremely satisfied with the results of the surgery. The study participants reported that the surgery made them look younger, boosted their self-esteem, and improved their quality of life.

Are there risks associated with facelift surgery?

Complications following facelift surgery are rare. However, it is important to remember that every surgery carries risks. Possible complications include:

  • bleeding
  • scar formation
  • infection
  • slow recovery
  • nerve damage

These risks are discussed before making the decision to undergo surgery.

Is the surgical outcome permanent?

Yes and no.

The surgical outcome is permanent, but the aging process continues entirely normally in the years following the surgery. Thanks to the surgery, the patient appears about ten years younger than their actual age. This change lasts a lifetime. If you are 50 years old on the day of surgery, after the surgery and recovery period, you will look about 40 years old. The clock has been turned back ten years, but time continues to pass after the procedure.


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Neck lift

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After weight loss

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Men's intimate procedures

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Brachioplasty — arm tightening surgery

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Eyelid Surgery — Blepharoplasty

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Facelift surgery

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Neck lift

A neck lift surgery corrects the signs of aging in the neck and jawline. Plastic surgeon Riikka Veltheim performs neck lift surgeries at Cityklinikka in Helsinki.

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Fat transfer to the face

Fat transfer is a type of filler treatment where the filler material is the patient's own fat. The end result is significant yet highly natural.

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Buffaloplasty - surgical lifting of the upper lip

Buffaloplasty is an upper lip lift surgery that increases the red area of the upper lip. At the same time, the area of skin between the nose and upper lip is shortened ("long upper lip").

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Jaw implant

Chin implant is a safe and effective tool for permanently enhancing the shape and size of the chin. The implant enhances the contour of the chin and facial features, providing balance to asymmetrical facial features. The procedure is performed for both women and men.

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Other facial procedures

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After weight loss

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Men's intimate procedures

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