Non-aesthetic botulinum treatments
Non-aesthetic botulinum treatments refer to procedures performed for health reasons.
Read moreMesotherapy is a multipoint treatment that affects the skin in two ways. The injections stimulate the skin’s fibroblasts to produce new collagen, thereby tightening the skin from within. Secondly, active ingredients introduced into the skin during the procedure reach precisely where they are needed.
Mesotherapy is used to treat various skin problems. The treatment is suitable for people of all ages and skin types. It is suitable for beautifying both the face and body.
Mesotherapy works best as a series of treatments. In a series, the procedure is done three times at intervals of 1-3 weeks. To maintain the treatment results, one mesotherapy session is sufficient when the seasons change.
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Treatment is done with
Treatment is done with
Treatment is done with
Treatment is done with
Treatment is done with
Treatment is done with
Mesotherapy is a light, aesthetic treatment. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are delivered into the mesodermal layer to make it youthful.
Mesotherapy can be done by soaking cosmetic products into skin or injecting active ingredients. If mesotherapy is done by injection technique there will be used medical products like Hydral or Juvéderm Volite.
You can treat
Reason to treat
Mesoterapialiuoksissa on samoja aktiiviaineita kuin kosmetiikkatuotteissakin. Kosmetiikkatuotteilla on kuitenkin rajoituksensa. Ne eivät useinkaan pysty imeytymään muualle kuin ihon ylimpään kerrokseen, epidermikseen.
Monet ihon laatua ja ulkonäköä parantavat muutokset tapahtuvat kuitenkin epidermistä syvemmällä. Hyödyllisetkään kosmeettiseet aineet eivät auta ihoa paranemaan, jos aineet sivellään ihon pinnalle eikä niitä imeytetä pintaa syvemmälle. Mesoterapian avulla aineet saadaan imeytetyksi juuri oikeaan paikkaan ja tarpeeksi syvälle.
Mesoterapiassa iho käsitellään myös erityisellä neulauslaitteella. Kymmenet, jopa sadat neulanpistot aiheuttavat ihoon hallitun vaurion. Kun iho alkaa korjata syntynyttä vauriota, ihon laatu ja ulkonäkö paranevat sisältäpäin.
With cosmetic products there is treated the top layer of skin — which will not be treated as well as deeper layers with injection technique in mesotherapy. Skin care products has their own place and job to do for healthy skin. Mesotherapy treat deeper layers of skin, skin care products treat top layer of skin — so no, do not pass your personal skin care routine.
Mesotherapy will not replace skin care products. The other way around, skin care products do not replace mesotherapy.
Cityklinikan mesoterapiassa voidaan käyttää mesokynää ja/tai dermarolleria. Kun mesoliuos on luokiteltu lääkinnälliseksi tuotteeksi, on mahdollista käyttää myös mesoterapianeulaa. Mikään mesoterapiatekniikoista ei ole tehokkaampi kuin toinen. Kyse on makuasioista ja koulukuntakysymyksistä.
It is not painful, but it can feel uncomfortable. Anesthetic cream is used before treatment to make it more comfortable.
Neulanpituus valitaan sen mukaan, kuinka syvälle aineita tahdotaan viedä ja kuinka syvällä ihon ongelmat ovat.
Pari esimerkkiä:
Asiakkaan ei tarvitse tuntea kaikkia mesoterapialiuosten saloja. Oikea hoitoliuos valitaan yhdessä ammattilaisen kanssa. Joitakin periaatteita voi asiakas tietenkin opiskella jo kotonaan:
It is all about the same idea — active ingredients are delivered into skin with needle to make it more healthy.
However, there is four totally different things between mesotherapy and skinbooster treatment
Non-aesthetic botulinum treatments refer to procedures performed for health reasons.
Read moreThe nature of our popular botulin treatments involves regular maintenance of treatment results.
Read moreChin liposuction using the WAL (Water-Assisted Liposuction) method is a gentler alternative to traditional liposuction for removing fat from the chin area.
Read moreRadiesse® treatment is a dermal filler procedure in which calcium microspheres and gel effectively and immediately lift features.
Read moreBotulinum temporarily relaxes the muscles under the skin. As the muscle relaxes, wrinkles and fine lines smooth out. With botulinum, it is also possible to enhance features in moderation.
Read moreWith Hifu-Fractora, it is possible to achieve significantly long-lasting results, similar to a surgical facelift, as well as smooth, vibrant, and more youthful-looking skin – with natural treatment outcomes.
Read moreUltraLift ™ HIFU is the most powerful knife-free facelift on the market. The procedure is suitable for raising the corners and skin around the eyes, firming the middle face and polishing the chin line.
Read moreThe Hollywood Black Laser Peel, also known as the Carbon Laser Peel or Carbon Spectra Peel, is a non-invasive laser treatment that has gained popularity for its ability to rejuvenate and refresh the skin quickly and effectively. Despite its name, it's not exclusive to Hollywood and is available in many aesthetic clinics worldwide.
Read moreLip filling and shaping is a quick procedure, done by injecting hyaluronic acid in the lips red area or lip border.
Read moreCombo treatment is an appearance-enhancing and rejuvenating combination procedure. The treatment involves the use of both fillers (hyaluronic acid/calcium derivatives) and botulinum toxin.
Read moreTightSculpting is a laser procedure that removes fat, tightens the skin, and significantly lightens stretch marks. The procedure is suitable for almost any part of the body, including facial 'hamster pouches.'
Read moreThe Vampire Fractora treatment combines two innovative cosmetic procedures: microneedling and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.
Read moreHyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin are popular cosmetic treatments used to enhance facial appearance and reduce the signs of aging. When injected into the skin, they add volume and moisture, smoothing out wrinkles, lines, and folds.
Read morePRP treatment, also known as the "vampire facial," slows down the formation of signs of aging and eliminates the effects of aging. In PRP therapy, platelet-rich plasma, separated from the patient's own blood, is injected into the patient's skin.
Read morePRF treatment can lighten scars, enhance the skin around the eyes, and diminish dark under-eye circles. The treatment brightens and improves the overall texture of the skin. It also serves as a completely natural, body-generated alternative to conventional fillers.
Read moreSkinbooster treatment deeply moisturizes the skin. As a result of serial treatment, the skin surface is smoothed and brightened. The skin becomes firmer and more even in color.
Read moreMeso threads, also known as PDO (polydioxanone) threads, are a type of minimally invasive cosmetic treatment used to lift and rejuvenate the skin. These threads are made of a biocompatible material that is absorbable by the body over time.
Read moreFacelift can be done in a minor surgery or completely without surgery. Silhouette Soft is a fusible barbed wire that is inserted into the skin with a needle. Fusible Ribbon or non-fusible Silhouette Lift is inserted into the tissues through a small opening.
Read moreMesotherapy is a multi-injection treatment that is usually done in a series of three. Cityklinikka's wide selection of meso solutions enables customized treatment packages.
Read moreFaceTite is a radiofrequency-assisted facelift that can be performed under local anesthesia. The result is firmer skin and moderately elevated features.
Read moreNeckTite is a small surgical neck lift performed under local anesthesia. It is suitable for patients with excess fat in the chin and neck.
Read moreAt Helsinki Cityklinikka, other facial slimming procedures are also performed, such as Buccal fat pad removal, where round faces and/or cheeks are slimmed by removing fat from inside the mouth as well as fat deposits along the jawline.
Read moreChemical peeling is an effective and safe aesthetic procedure that tightens, smoothes and brightens the surface of the skin and cures various skin problems.
Read moreFractora tightens the skin and evens out skin surface irregularities and color differences. The effectiveness of the measure is based on the synergy of needling and radio frequency energy.
Read moreTCA peeling treats acne and oily skin. The procedure is also suitable for fading aging changes and repairing acne scars and pigment changes.
Read moreCoolSculpting freezes the double chin away. No pain, no surgery, no recovery time.
Read moreCityklinikka's laser treatments are suitable for smoothing the skin and for the targeted treatment of various skin problems. We have powerful Photona laser equipment at our disposal, which allows laser treatments to be tailored almost endlessly.
Read moreFiller treatments reduce wrinkles and fill in features. The removal of wrinkles and the filling of the lips is done by increasing the volume of the tissues and stimulating the skin's own collagen production.
Read moreFilling material removal is possible at Cityklinikka, and it is performed by an aesthetic doctor. Hyaluronic acid can be removed, if necessary, using an enzyme called hyaluronidase.
Read moreWe have expanded our range of services with a new, injection-based, highly safe and effective treatment for the removal of under-eye bags without surgery.
Read moreFor those who want a more dramatic lift, the middle face and eyebrows can also be lifted with a two-way 3D barbed wire. Compared to other tapes, significantly stronger 3D wires are able to lift tissue for a long time.
Read moreAcne is a common skin problem that often requires medical attention. At the Cityklinikka, acne is treated with a laser and chemical peels.
Read moreLiver spots and other pigment changes can be lightened and even removed with effective laser and peel treatments.
Read moreBlepharoplasty makes your look more brighter. It can be done to upper eyelid, lower eyelid or both.
Read moreModified TCA is an excellent choice for treating acne, smoothing scars, lightening pigment changes, and rejuvenating and firming aged skin.
Read moreCouperose, broken blood vessels, and other vascular changes can be treated either with lasers or through injections.
Read moreCrisalix is a 3D simulator that allows you to see the result of the operation well in advance of the day of the operation.
Read moreA forehead lift is a plastic surgery procedure that can be performed using various techniques.
Read moreFacelift is a plactic surgical procedure, correcting aging changes in the face and neck.
Read moreA neck lift surgery corrects the signs of aging in the neck and jawline. Plastic surgeon Riikka Veltheim performs neck lift surgeries at Cityklinikka in Helsinki.
Read moreFat transfer is a type of filler treatment where the filler material is the patient's own fat. The end result is significant yet highly natural.
Read moreWith Visia skin analysis, you can see what belongs to your skin and what to expect in the coming years if the aging process is not addressed.
Read moreBuffaloplasty is an upper lip lift surgery that increases the red area of the upper lip. At the same time, the area of skin between the nose and upper lip is shortened ("long upper lip").
Read moreChin implant is a safe and effective tool for permanently enhancing the shape and size of the chin. The implant enhances the contour of the chin and facial features, providing balance to asymmetrical facial features. The procedure is performed for both women and men.
Read moreAt Cityklinikka in Helsinki, other facial slimming procedures are also performed, including Buccal fat pad removal, which narrows round faces and/or cheeks by removing fat from inside the mouth, as well as chin liposuction.
Read moreJug-ear surgery is a quick and simple procedure. It can be done under local anesthesia or anesthesia.
Read moreThose planning an operation should look for as much information as possible about the operation, anesthesia, and recovery time. You are welcome to Cityklinikka!
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