
PRP treatment is considered highly effective specifically in relation to hair loss. The treatment stimulates the growth of new hair in up to 80 percent of cases.
Removing fat by freezing — it's possible now. Over a million successful CoolSculpting treatments speak for its proven effectiveness and safety.
The treatment of acne is successful with effective laser treatments and chemical peels. Often, peels and laser treatments are combined to achieve excellent results.
Effective laser treatments, mild and medium-strength peels, and the exfoliating Spot Eraser treatment are suitable for lightening pigment spots. Combining these procedures achieves good results.
The HIFU procedure has been globally assessed as the most effective non-surgical facelift method. The end result improves over the following months after the procedure.
At Cityklinikka, there are various procedures available for treating acne and acne scars. Chemical peels, laser treatments, and their combinations help with both acne and acne scars.
Spots and hyperpigmentation are treated with lasers or chemical peels. The best results are achieved by combining different treatment methods and techniques.
Liver spots and other pigment changes can be lightened and even removed with effective laser and peel treatments.
Modified TCA is an excellent choice for treating acne, smoothing scars, lightening pigment changes, and rejuvenating and firming aged skin.
Laser treatment is the most effective way to remove unwanted hair. The procedure is done 3–5 times, spaced 6–8 weeks apart.
Couperose, broken blood vessels, and other vascular changes can be treated either with lasers or through injections.