
Premature ejaculation is a very common issue. Can be treated with botulinum toxin.
Tattoo removal is a series of treatments performed with an efficient laser device. The new, more efficient FracTat™ method accelerates the breakdown and removal of color pigments.
IPL-treatment uses a device based on light pulses, IPL = Intensed Pulse Light. Effective hair removal.
A forehead lift is a plastic surgery procedure that can be performed using various techniques.
A neck lift surgery corrects the signs of aging in the neck and jawline. Plastic surgeon Riikka Veltheim performs neck lift surgeries at Cityklinikka in Helsinki.
Fat transfer is a type of filler treatment where the filler material is the patient's own fat. The end result is significant yet highly natural.
Chin implant is a safe and effective tool for permanently enhancing the shape and size of the chin. The implant enhances the contour of the chin and facial features, providing balance to asymmetrical facial features. The procedure is performed for both women and men.
At Cityklinikka in Helsinki, other facial slimming procedures are also performed, including Buccal fat pad removal, which narrows round faces and/or cheeks by removing fat from inside the mouth, as well as chin liposuction.
Penis thickening is almost always done with the patient's own fat. Also fillers can be used.
Kivespussin kohotusleikkaus
Dr. Riikka Veltheim, a specialist in plastic surgery, performs scrotal lift surgeries and circumcisions for men in Helsinki.
Pubic area liposuction may be considered if the appearance of the penis is not pleasing to oneself or one's partner.
Circumcision is a procedure in which the foreskin is removed from around the penis. In Finland, this procedure is almost always done for medical reasons, such as tightness of the foreskin.