
Botulin, or botox, can prevent and treat headaches and migraines. Chronic shoulder and neck pain can also be controlled with botulin therapy.
Premature ejaculation is a very common issue. Can be treated with botulinum toxin.
Skinbooster treatment deeply moisturizes the skin. As a result of serial treatment, the skin surface is smoothed and brightened. The skin becomes firmer and more even in color.
Effective device treatments and new liposuction techniques come in handy if skin firming is unsuccessful at home.
Chemical peeling is an effective and safe aesthetic procedure that tightens, smoothes and brightens the surface of the skin and cures various skin problems.
TCA peeling treats acne and oily skin. The procedure is also suitable for fading aging changes and repairing acne scars and pigment changes.
Liver spots and other pigment changes can be lightened and even removed with effective laser and peel treatments.
Modified TCA is an excellent choice for treating acne, smoothing scars, lightening pigment changes, and rejuvenating and firming aged skin.
Couperose, broken blood vessels, and other vascular changes can be treated either with lasers or through injections.
ClearSteps ™ is an effective and safe laser treatment for nail fungus. The treatment is quick and simple for the patient. Results are achieved four times with serial therapy.
With Visia skin analysis, you can see what belongs to your skin and what to expect in the coming years if the aging process is not addressed.
Sweating and excessive sweating can be effectively treated with botulin or miraDry technique.