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Before Body-Jet or BodyTite liposuction
If you fall ill, contact our clinic staff to discuss whether the procedure can be performed.
Procedures in the inner thigh area are not performed during menstruation.
You can eat, drink, and move normally before coming in for the procedure.
Alcohol should not be consumed for at least two days before the procedure.
Inform the clinic in advance about any medications you are taking.
Remove nail polish from both fingers and toes before the procedure.
Also, remove all jewelry and piercings.
Avoid blood-thinning medications for a week before the procedure. Such medications include, for example, Marevan, Burana, and Aspirin. Discuss with your doctor before stopping any medication.
Stop using omega-3 and fish oil products a week before the procedure.
Permitted pain relievers before and after the procedure include medications containing paracetamol, such as Para-Tabs, Panadol, Panacod.
Bring any support stockings, supportive bras, etc., with you when you arrive for the procedure.
We recommend starting lymphatic therapy before the procedure and continuing it after the procedure according to the instructions of the medical staff.
You can contact the clinic with any questions related to the procedure, at phone number 0201 777 288.
Cityklinikka on esteettisen lääketieteen uranuurtaja Suomessa. Olemme toimineet vuodesta 1994. Meillä sinua palvelevat plastiikkakirurgian erikoislääkäri, joukko esteettisiä lääkäreitä- ja sairaanhoitajia, gynekologi, anestesialääkäri sekä ammattitaitoinen joukko muita kauneusalan ammattilaisia.
Cityklinikan toimitusjohtaja Piotr Sikorski on Suomen ensimmäinen ja ainoa esteettinen lääkäri, jonka myös American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine -johtokunta on sertifioinut.