After PRP Treatment

After PRP treatment, the treated area may experience the following temporary side effects:

  • Mild redness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Itching
  • Tingling sensation

All of these are common post-injection reactions. They are temporary and typically subside within a few days. If symptoms persist or other symptoms arise, contact the provider of the treatment.
Avoid touching the treated area for the first six hours. Afterward, you can gently wash the area with water and cleansing products. Light makeup can be applied to the treatment area immediately after the procedure. However, it is recommended to avoid makeup in the hours following PRP treatment.

Avoid using organic cosmetics in the first few days.

Do not expose the treated area to heat (tanning beds, sauna, direct sunlight) or excessive cold until swelling and redness have subsided. If you have had shingles in the past, needle injections may cause them to reappear.

Medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (such as aspirin) and some herbal supplements may increase bruising or bleeding at the injection site. For the treatment of bruises, swelling, and other symptoms, Meso-Arnizen gel is recommended.

PRP treatments work best as a series of treatments. In this case, the treatment is performed 4–6 times at intervals of 7–14 days.

Results can be maintained by repeating the series of treatments once or twice a year.

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